UPDATE: When this post was published, the book was being sold through John Soares’ website. Unfortunately, he has taken it off the market. However he told me that he’ll be back with an even better productivity resource for writers. In the meantime, you can continue getting your dose of productivity tips from his website, Productive Writers.
It took me a whole week to go through the whole book, and I am not yet finished studying. John Soares’ e-book Intelligent Productivity for Freelance Writers consists of very informative 179 pages, and while the language is flowing enough to finish reading at one sitting, I certainly recommend against rushing through the pages.
Because, like all good e-books, this one needs to printed out. and passages need to be highlighted. You should also return to the chapters that are most relevant and helpful to your life. Without knowing the content, it might be very easy to dismiss this one as “another e-book on productivity”. Don’t make that mistake.
Not only the book is full of wonderfully applicable advice for all aspects of your freelance writing life, it also involves some great insights & tips on writing better (such as how to conduct an interview or when, why and how to work with co-authors) and making the most of your marketing as well. However, please keep in mind that this book is essentially a productivity book, so even the tips on interviewing (people) well or marketing your work are primarily focused on productivity and efficiency.
Content Breakdown- Below are some of the subjects featured on the book:
* Conventional and out-of-the box tips for storing data on multiple locations (as well as the reasons and how-to information for these methods),
* Many valid and relevant examples from the writer’s own writing habits and career,
* Ergonomics (that also includes the time you might feel like going into the woods by yourself!),
* Organizing (your files, your notes, your office),
* Effective and efficient research (online & offline),
* Online & offline networking
* When to hire others to work with/for you (and how to calculate the costs, and what to pay attention to during hiring (actually you can also benefit from this part if you are considering to work for/with other freelance writers as well),
* Goal-setting, and sticking to these goals,
* Managing the non-writing aspects of your life,
* Tips for a better memory
* Faster reading
* Healthy living
* Healthy mind
and more…. Oh, and the book is just $17.
Intelligent Productivity for Freelance Writers is the ultimate productivity book for freelance writers. It includes everything you need to do to become healthier, happier and richer. It is also feels interactive as each chapter features questions to be answered by you. You simply need to have it if you are interested in leading a better life in general.
- Please note that I bought this book after reading Anne Wayman’s review, using her affiliate link. I used my affiliate links for this review.