I love talking to other writers about their publishing experiences and the writing life in general. I enjoy it even more if those writers are my friends and we have a lot in common.
I first met Shanah through Holly Johnson’s Earn More Writing Facebook group, which is reserved for the students of the course (aff.link).
I’ve recently read her book The Art of Being a PITA, (aff.link) in which she details adventures from her extremely varied career. She has diverse talents and interests, and she refuses to stay in one job all her life. While there’s nothing wrong with staying with a job or company all your career (as long as it is making you happy), it’s a lot easier to relate to her resume for me. As a writer, I refuse to stick to a niche. To keep my elevator pitch short, I say I specialize in lifestyle if we are talking non-fiction, but in reality, it is just faster if I tell you things I don’t write about.
And while my educational and professional experiences haven’t been as diverse as Shanah’s, it still baffles a lot of people.
I studied Advertising and Business in college, and I held internships in advertising and PR companies. I interned for the sales and marketing division of Coca Cola. I worked for an education consultancy company. I did a very short stint volunteering at a bar during my college year abroad in Norway. I teach ESL and hold CELTA (Cambridge Certificate in teaching English to Adults). I’ve worked as a freelance translator, and I still do translation work. And I’m a freelance writer, blogger, novelist, and screenwriter. There are many more professional areas I want to explore. Niches and genres I want to write in.
So I thoroughly enjoyed PITA. I think it is crucial that we talk about diverse working experiences and colorful resumes so that employers – no matter what kind of work they are offering – stop seeing us as an anomaly. We might not have the 5-10 years of experience they are looking for, but we are adaptable, eager to learn, and easy to work with.
Enough about me. I’ll give you a short bio so that you know where Shanah is coming from and then dive into the interview.
And if you work in various niches or have a diverse resume, please share your experiences in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.
About the Author
Shanah Bell grew up in an entrepreneurial family, which drives her to think outside the box. As someone who hasn’t stopped moving since her feet first hit the ground, she’s not about to stop now. She is constantly on the hunt to learn new things and figure out how to attribute this new knowledge into her daily life.
She has a Master’s of Nutrition degree, which she uses to help people learn how to heal themselves through dietary adaptation. She and her spouse have five children in a blended family, which can get a little bit crazy at times. But they love it and do everything they can to teach their children how to think outside the box, as well.
Her goal in life is not only to live her best life but to help everyone around her live theirs, also.
Can you tell us a bit about your writing background?
I started writing as a child and have continued to hone my skills into adulthood. When I was younger, I spent more time writing poems and plays. But as I got older, I began to spend more time writing research papers and articles that helped people find solutions to specific issues. I became a freelance writer in 2016, as well as began writing on my own blog, Adaptive Nourishment. I have been working on two different books for multiple years now, and was thrilled to see “The Art of Being a PITA” finally come to fruition.
When did you decide to write this book? How did the idea and title come about?
I decided to write this book almost 10 years ago. The book was actually a larger project, but as time went on, I realized that it made more sense to split it up into two different books. The idea came about because people have been asking me for as long as I can remember how I do what I do when it comes to my career. I felt that it made more sense to write it all down, along with what I learned from each position, because that would be the most digestible way to get the information across. The title is actually not the original title of the book. The original title was “TADA – The Art of Diversifying & Adapting.” But after some market research, that title was deemed not relatable, so I worked on changing it. PITA is something I have been called by my mother, since I was young, and by many other people I have run across. So it just naturally made sense to me to add that into the title, since the book is about non-traditional living.
What’s The Art of Being a PITA about in your own words?
PITA is ultimately multifaceted. This book talks about:
- living a non-traditional life
- working multiple different jobs at one time
- multitasking effectively
- learning new skill sets
- learning more about you and what you really like in the workspace
- becoming a more valued employee in any genre
- creating financial stability when working non-traditional jobs
- figuring out what your “WHY” is in life and how that translates to your career
- creating work/life balance
- living the highest and best life for you, which may not look like anybody else’s.
Can you take us through the publishing journey of PITA?
I originally met my publisher (Wisdom House Books) through LinkedIn in January of 2018. We met in person in February to discuss the book and the progress I was making. I finally got the initial copy completed in August of 2018 and submitted it to my publisher the same day. I began speaking with my editor in September 2018, where we started the editing process. My publisher was working on the jacket design at the same time. We got the jacket design completed in January 2019, as well as the final editing. The book was released on Amazon on March 1, 2019.
Did you enjoy working with them?
I did for the editing and publishing process, but I HATED them for the PR process.
They charged me through the nose and did basically nothing. So I fired them.
But getting the book published was a great process. I wish they would have just left me alone at that because then I wouldn’t have the sour taste in my mouth about them
How much did they charge you?
It was about $6000.
I talked to a few other FinCon people who have worked in publishing, and they said that the pricing wasn’t actually that bad compared to traditional publishers since they take a large portion of the book proceeds instead of a lump sum. The PR was so much worse and they did freaking nothing!
Your adventures and experiences in the book make it very clear you rock at organizing and time management. Can you give us tips, for both when it comes to writing and life in general?
Being organized has been an integral part of how I have become so effective at multitasking and time management. I have found that if my environment, and calendar, are organized and up to date, then I am so much more efficient. When I am discussing a meeting with someone, as soon as it has been confirmed, I put it on my calendar. I do not STOP, or pass GO (Monopoly reference) until I put the event on my calendar. Because if I don’t do it right then, it may not make it on there, and then the meeting doesn’t exist in my world. This has been extremely helpful. Plus, I am a huge believer in having an organized space to work in, as well as my house being in order. When everything is organized, I know exactly where to find what I need, so I don’t waste valuable time looking for things, or feeling chaotic. Creating balance in your space is an important tool for creating balance in your work life. When it comes to writing, I know who my clients are for the month and how many articles I need to write. So I dedicate certain mornings to getting my writing knocked out.
Since I am a morning person, this is the optimal time, for me, to work on things that require higher level thought processes. Finding the most optimal time of day for you to work is an important thing to know about yourself and take advantage of when doing anything work related. So if you are a night owl, you should be doing most of your higher level work at night, instead of in the morning, like me. But no matter what, make sure that you dedicate a specific time frame on certain regular days to get your work done, because it will create a more ingrained schedule, which leads to more effectiveness and efficiency.
Do you have any tips for people who are like you – people who love defining their own terms and working in different areas?
Figure out what your “WHY” is first and foremost. What is it that drives you to do what you do, or what you want to do? Once you know this, it will be easier to pick and choose jobs based on what makes you ultimately happy. And make sure to create organization in your life so that you can be more efficient and effective at what you choose to do. If you are both of those, whoever you work for will deem you more valuable. This can translate into higher pay, sometimes, or just more flexibility. And if you are like me when it comes to defining your own terms, you are probably doing it because flexibility, and living your life on your own terms, are more important to you than the pay is.
What are your publishing plans for the future?
Right now I have 3 more books planned in the PITA series, so I am hoping to have the next one released in a year.
What are some of your favorite books? Favorite authors?
- The Celestine Prophecy Series by James Redfield has been one of my favorite series since it came out in the 1990s
- Robin Cook, who writes medical mysteries
- Patricia Cornwell, who writes forensic science mysteries
- Sue Grafton, who writes detective mysteries based out of Santa Barbara, CA, which is where I am originally from
- Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
- The Plant Paradox by Stephen Gundry
- The Longevity Code by Kris Verburgh
- Financial Freedom by Grand Sabatier
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley
Where can we follow you on social media?
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shanahbellauthor/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adaptivenourishment/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShanahBellAuthr
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shanah-bell-0359b3146/
- Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Shanah-Bell
- GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18921036.Shanah_Bell
- BookBaby: https://store.bookbaby.com/bookshop/book/index.aspx?bookURL=The-Art-of-Being-a-Pita
- Website: https://www.adaptivenourishment.com/the-art-of-being-a-pita/

Great interview, Pinar! It is always interesting to hear another writer’s process. As to the best time to write, I heard it said once, that the best time to write is to start writing at the time of day you were born. I asked my mother years ago, and she said I was born around one in the morning. So when I get time to write, I try to get up as early as possible (usually five) as I am not writing at one o’clock in the morning!
I don’t think I have ever heard about writing around the time you were born, but it makes complete sense the way you put it. I was also born around one in the morning and write so much better early in the day as opposed to later. As the day wears on, my words begin to fail me and become so much less eloquent. Thanks for the insight, Yvette!
Shanah, my inspiration and productivity levels really fluctuate, so I just decided to roll with it. I guess I will never be able to write/work at certain hours. Well, following my brain has worked better for me anyway.
But hey, thank god for coffee.
Hi, Yvette! So glad you liked it!
That sounds really interesting. Sometimes, I get really inspired at around 10 pm, which is when I was born. Now I know why I get restless as opposed to sleepy.