Entrepreneurs spend a lot of time and money on their product launches. They measure demand, arrange memorable pre and actual launches, get their fans, friends, and fellow entrepreneurs to spread the word, and their potential customers sulk and leave without buying. This happens on many occasions. The products are quality; the pricing is right.
So why doesn’t the sale go through?
– Limited Format.
Not all learners prefer one method. Visual learners stay away from texts, but some people can’t learn or stayfocused without reading. Not including transcripts for videos, or not including audio or video for texts is a missed opportunity.
– Payment Method.
PayPal has become the Google of online payment processors. It’s secure, highly convenient and almost ubiquitous, almost being the keyword. There are still countries that don’t allow PayPal. Even though “PayPal” payments technically allow credit cards to be connected, you can’t fill in your information correctly if you can’t use PayPal, meaning your country isn’t listed.
– Payment Schedule.
I’m a writing coach and creator myself. I understand the effort that goes into creating something valuable, evergreen,and comprehensive. You don’t want to sell your product short. But while it is okay to set your price at whatever your marketresearch and branding strategy prove logical, you can still offer installments.
A budding entrepreneur or freelancer who wants to learn from you might want to invest a couple of grand, but they might not afford it at one go. So not offering them options creates disappointment and revenue loss.
What has kept you from buying an online course or other product?