My good friend, poet and author Carrie Lowrence has just released her clean romance novel Someone to Catch My TearDrops, so of course, I interviewed her about her book and all things writing. Over to Carrie…
- Can you tell us how you started writing?
I started writing as a child. I lived on a highway in Pennsylvania and even though I saw my friends it wasn’t like I saw them all the time, like I would if I lived in town. I would spend many days writing stories.
- When did you know you had to be a writer?
I’ve known I wanted to be a writer since I was nine years old. That is when I really started writing a lot and knew that this is what I wanted to do as a career when I grew up. It’s the only thing I feel alive doing.
- What genres do you write in and why?
I write in the genres of poetry, children, and romance. I started my author journey publishing poetry because that is what I wrote the most of at the time. Then I shifted to children’s books and wrote two of those while working in daycare because I was inspired by my kids. I love writing for kids and watching my story come to life through illustration. It is such a cool process.
I recently decided that I needed to stop genre-hopping and choose a lane to stick to. As cliché as it may sound I chose romance. Yes, I know, isn’t that what everyone wants to write? For me, I chose romance because the stories I have for my upcoming series won’t let me go. I have to write them, it’s like breathing to me.
- How do you find inspiration for your stories and poems?
I find my inspiration from life, people I know or have known. Situations I have been in or others have. Plus a good dose of fiction, of course.
- Can you tell us about your latest release?
Someone To Catch My Teardrops is the first book in my Steele Family Saga series. It’s about a country music singer who loses it all and has to claw his way back into the spotlight.
Grantland Steele is the first-born son of Sterling and Haven Steele. He is on top of the world until a personal tragedy hits him hard and he loses it all-his recording contract, his staff, and his career is put on hold indefinitely.
The same night, McRae Torrinson suffers a loss of her own. McRae has loved Grantland for years but he never knew she existed. Both are back in their small hometown and have to figure out what their next steps are.
McRae takes a job working at the local grocery store but it’s not enough. Desperate to make ends meet, she signs on as a personal chef for a local family. Little does she know that her new employer is none other than Grantland Steele..her college crush. Can these two lost souls heal each other’s hearts, and finally find love…
Well, you’ll have to read the book and find out.
I enjoyed writing Grantland and McRae’s story. I hope that others will enjoy it as well.
- What do you consider the best part of having a writing career? And what do you dislike about this profession?
The best part of having a writing career, especially an indie writing career, is that you are on your own timeline and you have control over everything. You call the shots, I love that.
I dislike editing, it’s a bear. Even with software, it can be so tedious and time-consuming but is a necessary evil. I also don’t like having to do everything. It can get exhausting when you have to write, keep up on your social media, market, come up with your social media calendar, etc. But still, I wouldn’t trade writing for anything.
- Do you have a writing routine?
This is something I need to work on. I don’t have a writing routine. I need to find the balance between getting up early to write before I go to work but not getting up so early that I’m tired all day.
I recently read a book called The Miracle Morning For Writers and it was an awesome book. I’m going to put what I learned into practice. Things like getting up an hour earlier, having some quiet time, reading books on writing, etc. If you are a writer and haven’t read this book, you need to.
- Do you have a marketing routine?
No, marketing is another beast I’m trying to tame. I try to schedule all my graphics on social media ahead of time so all I have to do is manually upload my videos. I also try to plan my social media calendar in advance. I usually post three times a week.
This will be my first “official” book launch so it will be a learning process for me but I’m trying. The thing is, this author stuff is a constant journey of learning and most things are fixable, thank God.
- What wisdom would you like to impart on writers who are only just beginning?
Just start. Don’t worry about being perfect. The thing is, you are going to make mistakes, this is just part of it.
Learn all you can about writing and publishing and marketing, it’s the only way you will grow. Also, there are a “ton’ of publishing experts and gurus out there. Do your research and choose no more than three that you listen to. Make sure you resonate with them and that they are living the life that you want to live.
Connect with other writers, this is so, so important. Writing can be a solitary activity but we need community and you will need other writers. We are a different breed and not everyone understands us. You are going to need that support to ask questions, laugh with, and cry with.
- Where can we find you on the web?
Instagram: @carrielowrance
You can check out Someone to Catch My Teardrops on Amazon.