Writers often ask each other what they listen to as they write.
While I often don’t listen to music, I will listen to a particular song if that song embodies the mood or even the events of the scene.
And if my characters are listening to a song in a scene, I’ll listen to that song over and over again until I finish writing said scene.
Below is the complete soundtrack to my romcom drama novel A Change Would Do You Good. I listed which chapter the song is mentioned, as well as when/why it plays and which character plays it.
If you like rock music, and in some cases, dance music, check these songs out. If you can, play them as the characters hear them.
Ch 1
Highway to Hell – AC/DC
Janie listens to this as she drives off to her new life.
Ch 4
Four minutes – Madonna and Justin Timberlake feat. Timbaland
This is Ben’s alarm song. He dances to this every…well, afternoon. He’s got the moves.
Ch. 7
All Night – Def Leppard
Denise’s giving one of her legendary parties at her beach house again. She dirty dances to this gem with her hunky date.
My novel isn’t a clean romance, and I’d wager this song alone would disqualify me from the genre even if I tried to write one.
Sweet Emotion – Aerosmith
A gorgeous stranger puts this song on the jukebox at Denise’s party, and Kevin’s pleased to flirt with someone who shares his taste in rock music.
Ch. 9
Def Leppard – Two Steps Behind
Janie’s housewarming party is going great, but she gets emotional when she hears this come on.
Def Leppard – Rock On
We are still at Janie’s party. Life, and the party, must go on. And so it does with Rock On’s catchy riff.
Fun fact: I was there… A thousand years ago… OK, it wasn’t 1000 years ago. But it was 2006, in Sweden and I saw Def Leppard live at a rock festival. I was in the second room, and I listened to Rock On.
Ch. 10
I Like The Way – BodyRockers
Ben puts this on as he helps Linda move out. Linda isn’t too happy about his celebratory mood.
Two Steps Behind – Def Leppard
Yes, again. This time Janie puts this on purpose while going down the memory lane at Lenny’s apartment. But when it gets too much, she puts on the next song to cope.
Life Goes On – Poison
Ch. 13
21st Century Sha La La La Girl – Def Leppard
Linda basically hears this in her head as she enjoys a shopping spree.
Ch. 15
Nothin’ But A Good Time – Poison
Linda plays this at her new job.
Ch. 16
Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
This is Janie’s ringtone. She gets an emergency work-related call.
Ch. 18
Lay Your Hands on Me – Bon Jovi
Kevin and Janie have to hitchhike, and their “saviors” make one of them drive as they make out in the backseat of the car. Song on the radio? Lay Your Hands on Me.
Surfin’ USA – The Beach Boys
After a huge fight, Kevin and Janie are ready to make up and move on when Kevin’s phone rings. This is the ringtone. On the nose? Yes. Very appropriate and in-character? Also yes. Unfortunately, the caller bears horrible news.
Ch. 20
Blind Faith – Warrant
This song plays during the novel’s last scene.
Bonus 1: Have you ever needed someone so bad – by Def Leppard
I originally wrote this novel as a TV series. (So yes, a sequel is in the works.)
I printed out each episode and handed it to my friends along with the cassette(s) the songs were on. (I was born in 1984, if the word cassette had you wondering.)
And because it was a TV series, I sometimes added mood songs. So, while a character was in deep thought, I’d name a background song.
I had to cut this song out because I cut the scene, but just because it is no longer in the story, it doesn’t mean the character still doesn’t feel this way.
It played while Kevin was thinking of Janie. He is a secret romantic, that one.
Bonus 2: Marilyn Manson. (Any song you choose by Manson is fine.)
Any time Ashley is partying, you can play a Manson song you like. If Manson’s originals freak you out a bit, how about some rockin’ covers like Sweet Dreams or Tainted Love?
Check the book on Amazon if the songs got you curious: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Would-Do-You-Good-ebook/dp/B08YJMRN4P It’s free to read on KU.
Want a specific country link? Hit me up @zoeyclark on Twitter, and I will send it over.