I decided that additional bookmarking efforts (in the way of writing a blog post about it) will help me keep the resource in mind, say thank you to the writer and help inform you at the same time. So here’s killing a couple of birds with one stone: Review for Badlanguage.net’s 30 Days to Better Business Writing (free) e-book:
A quality free e-book simply rocks, both for the writer and the reader. It rocks for the writer because it is a great promotional tool. It helps him brand himself as a helpful authority. It helps the reader to gain knowledge without having to pay for it. Writing better is an important step to making more money as a writer/blogger and Matthew Stibbe’s e-book does help you do exactly that.
Don’t freak out or be bored by the “Business Writing” part of the title. It provides great tips that you can use in all types of non-fiction writing. Hell, you can even apply some of it to fiction.
The book consists of 116 PDF pages and 30 chapters, all offering concise tips in an engaging style. Each chapter begins with a related and interesting quote. It moves on to inform you and ends with an applicable exercise.
I printed out the book. I am reading and going through it all, although not necessarily in Matthew’s written order.
For instance, I am not interviewing anyone yet, and I am not required to prepare presentations. So I am concentrating more on the chapters about writing well and in style, picking the right words and structure and that kind of stuff. And don’t worry, he mentions blogging too.
So print it out and attack with markers and post-its. And read all the chapters, even though you’ll be needing some more than the others. It will be great to keep it handy for future reference.
He also features links to book reviews on his blogs as well as free resources.
Strongly recommended. And you can’t beat free.
You can follow Matthew on Twitter too.